"It is always in order to keep some mementos of the victories God has given you. They can, time and again, serve you as faith amplifiers.
Your personal faith-extending memento might consist of a bill marked "paid" - a bill you thought would never get paid. But miraculously, God provided the funds to pay for it. That bill, once a Goliath of a debt, can become an aid to your faith... (it) can lift your faith to meet every challenge with which the financial realm can confront you... it... is a happy reminder of your ability, through faith in God, to appropriate blessing and victory in the time of seeming hopelessness."
So, start thinking back to your special days of victory!
We need to recall continuously the victories won by the use of strong faith. And the next time seemingly impossible problems arise, let these mementos remind you of the past victories that stong faith has produced in your life.
Let the enemies of your faith see the slain Goliaths of your past and confidently face those new challenges!
Adapted from "Faith Extenders - Everyday Ways to Increase Your Faith" by John Avanzini.
What kind of mementos do you have?
Do share with the rest of the CG by leaving your comments below, ok? =)
penned at
12:03 AM
My momento is simlar to the one in the post - it's my Arise & Build 2006 pledge card. The first two months I could fulfil my pledge amount as I was still working. In 2007, tho', I lost my assignments. But God somehow still PROVIDED! In the end, I was even able to give more than what I pledged!
Another momento is my 3rd-year (1st semester) exam results slip from Poly. I had failed 1 module the semester before. But I put my faith in God + studied hard and low and behold - the following semester, I got my highest GPA ever, compared to the rest of my semesters! Hallelujah!
By k.a.r.e.n, at
2:22 AM
Mine isn't a card or a bill or a report card. It's the music that comes when i pick up and play the violin or piano.
I remember when i had my first piano lesson when i was 4 and first violin lesson when i was 5. I hated them. I hated music. I never thought or even wanted to become a musician. But through alot of nagging from my mother for me to practice, over time the seeds that were sown grew, and now i can worship God with my creative abilities. however, more than that, i can assist others in worshipping God as well!
By Aaron, at
9:53 PM
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